Unashamedly Human
Welcome to Unashamedly Human - the podcast, where we explore how we can better understand our thoughts, feelings and actions, change our results and feel less alone as we navigate that crazy thing called life.

Friday Nov 24, 2023
Season 3 Episode 10: People Pleasing with Amy Green
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Friday Nov 24, 2023
I LOVED editing this week’s podcast. The conversation was so insightful to listen back over and I found myself nodding along to myself like a right knob!In this episode I speak to Amy Green about People Pleasing.
But this is not your run of the mill conversation.
We’re not here to give you our top 3 tips or tell you that boundaries are your friend.We ask the hard hitting questions on the Unashamedly Human Podcast.
Questions like, when it comes to people pleasing, have we gone too far the other way?
Have we blurred the lines between boundaries and kindness?
Do we need to reassess the conversation around self interest and community?Oomph we went deep!
SUCH a great listen. Let me know what you think.Follow Amy here!
https://www.instagram.com/_thewellnessstrategy/I’d love to know what your take aways are from this episode so feel free to get in touch at info@emilychadbourne.com If you love this episode, please share the crap out of it.
I’d be thrilled if you shared it to your Insta stories and tagged me emchadbourneJoin the Fri-YaY email club hereAnd finally be sure to join my FREE community, How To Rock It In Your 40sThank you. I am so very grateful to you for listening.Em x

Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Season 3 Episode 9: Slowing Down with Alexa Martinez
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Hey legends!Today’s episode is just a joy. Lex Matinez joins me for a chat about slowing down and checking in on what success looks like. You can follow Lex here https://www.instagram.com/alexacoaches/I’d love to know what your take aways are from this episode so feel free to get in touch at info@emilychadbourne.com If you love this episode, please share the crap out of it.
I’d be thrilled if you shared it to your Insta stories and tagged me emchadbourneJoin the Fri-YaY email club hereAnd finally be sure to join my FREE community, How To Rock It In Your 40sThank you. I am so very grateful to you for listening.Em x

Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Season 3 Episode 8: Why contentment and freedom should feel like shit
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Hey legends!Today’s ep is all about why contentment and freedom often feel like shit!Ah the paradox of life.I jumped onto Insta to record this live and chatted about how a TV opportunity led to me learning about making decisions that felt unbelievably uncomfortable, all so I could live to my greatest good and highest joy.I’d love to know what your take aways are from this episode so feel free to get in touch at info@emilychadbourne.com If you love this episode, please share the crap out of it.I’d be thrilled if you shared it to your Insta stories and tagged me emchadbourneJoin the Fri-YaY email club hereAnd finally be sure to join my FREE community, How To Rock It In Your 40sThank you. I am so very grateful to you for listening.Em x

Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Episode 3 Episode 7: How to make the right decision
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Hey legends!Today’s episode was recorded live over on the gram (be sure to follow emchadbourne) and is all about the art of decision making. The crowd loved it (LOL, 10 people joined me live but I’m calling that a crowd and you can’t stop me). I’d love to know your key takeaways so don’t be shy.
Get in touch at info@emilychadbourne.com FINALLY is currently enrolling so if anything in todays ep resonated, be sure to check out this link bit.ly/ec-finallyIf you love this episode, please share the crap out of it.
I’d be thrilled if you shared it to your Insta stories and tagged me emchadbourneJoin the Fri-YaY email club hereAnd finally be sure to join my FREE community, How To Rock It In Your 40sThank you. I am so very grateful to you for listening.Em x

Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Season 3 Episode 6: Should I have kids?
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Hey legends!
When someone asks me “should I have children?” I feel all of it. The weight, the nuance, the ‘what if’, the struggle and the unanswerable questions.
In today’s episode I unpack just some of these questions for you.
But this episode is so much more - it also speaks to decision making in general and the art of making choices and then making them work.
I’d love to know what your take aways are from this episode so feel free to get in touch at info@emilychadbourne.com
If you love this episode, please share the crap out of it.
I’d be thrilled if you shared it to your Insta stories and tagged me emchadbourne
Join the Fri-YaY email club here
And finally be sure to join my FREE community, How To Rock It In Your 40s
Thank you. I am so very grateful to you for listening.
Em x

Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Season 3 Episode 5:Can I wear that?
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Hey legends!
It’s time to talk age appropriate clothing and trolling!
In this week's episode I tell you the story of my reel that went viral, how I coped with nasty comments and how I ended up wearing a Gen Z dress to MC a wedding.
This episode is perfect for you if you fear the judgement of other people and if you’ve ever wondered “can I wear that?”
I’d love to know what your take aways are from this episode so feel free to get in touch at info@emilychadbourne.com
If you love this episode, please share the crap out of it.
I’d be thrilled if you shared it to your Insta stories and tagged me emchadbourne
Join the Fri-YaY email club here
And finally be sure to join my FREE community, How To Rock It In Your 40s
Thank you. I am so very grateful to you for listening.
Em x

Friday Oct 13, 2023
Season 3 Episode 4: Why thinking big might make you play small
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Hey legends!
In this comeback episode I talk about how having high expectations for this podcast held me back from recording for 7 months.
What happens when we don’t reach our goals?
Why are we so fixated on being the BEST?
And how can we find peace in quiet accomplishments?
If you feel like you’re always striving but never quite achieving enough, this episode is for you.
I’d love to know what your take aways are from this episode so feel free to get in touch at info@emilychadbourne.com
If you love this episode, please share the crap out of it.
I’d be thrilled if you shared it to your Insta stories and tagged me emchadbourne
Join the Fri-YaY email club here
And finally be sure to join my FREE community, How To Rock It In Your 40s
Thank you. I am so very grateful to you for listening.
I promise to keep showing up.

Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Season 3 Episode 3: Why Am I Getting In My Own Way?
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
One of the most asked questions I get is, “Hi Em! Why am I getting in my own way?”
In this episode, I’ve shared the 4 reasons why you’re feeling stuck and how you can unpack these emotions, beliefs and habits that are no longer helping you achieve your dreams and goals. If you’re a procrastinator, avoider and self-sabotager, get ready for a reality check.
Make sure to share your thoughts from this episode. We would love to hear them!
In this episode, I shared:
The importance of checking in with your motivation
How understanding your cognitive gaps allow you to achieve your desires
What you choose to believe about yourself will become your reality
The reality of taking action and how it can help you become who you want to be
Learn more about AMPLIFY here: bit.ly/amplify-now
Follow Em's adventure here: https://www.instagram.com/emchadbourne

Friday Jan 27, 2023
Season 3 Episode 2: From Waitress to Multiple 6 Figure Biz Owner
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Friday Jan 27, 2023
I’ve always taken the time to reflect on my experiences and get brutally honest with myself so I can understand and learn what they mean to me.
In this episode, I shared the four pivotal moments in my life and what lessons I learned along the way. If you've ever wondered how I got from waiting tables for $20 an hour to having the confidence and skills to run my own business, settle in because you're in for a treat.
I can’t wait to hear from you about this episode so listen and share what you think!
In this lesson, I’ve discussed:
What is being resilient and how can it help you manifest your goals
Why manifestation isn't just about getting what you want
The importance of having a spiritual practice in your life
How being in a community helps you change your life for the better
Learn more about AMPLIFY here: bit.ly/amplify-now

Friday Jan 13, 2023
Season 3 Episode 1: Why Can’t I Figure Out What I Want
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Friday Jan 13, 2023
We’re back baby!After a long hiatus, the podcast is back with season 3 and episode one is punchy and straight to the point.In this episode I answer the question: “Why Don’t I Know What To Do With My Life?”If you’re lacking direction, feeling stuck or looking for that elusive purpose, this one’s for you.As always I love to hear from you so please have a listen and get in touch to tell me what you think.
On Saturday 21st Jan I will be running an Amplify 2023 workshop where I will teach you the exact steps to take to build a life you’re truly proud of.We only have 45 seats in the room and 38 have already gone.Snap up your spot Melbs!Get your tickets here.